2015-2016 Officers
Name: Vanguard
Dimensions: 28′ L x 30′ W x 14′ H
Weight: 86 lbs
Concept: This year we built a simple, yet robust robot that allows us shoot and defend.
- 2 speed WCP DS Gearbox at 6 ft/sec and 17 FPS.
- 8 Wheel West Coast Drive with 6″ wheels
- Removable Blocker
- Ball Intake
- Pneumatically actuated ball intake
- Cross Cheval, Moat, Ramparts, Low Bar, and Rough Terrai

2016 Sacramento Regional
Regional Chairman’s Award: (Qualifies our team for the Championship Event) FIRST‘s most prestigious award, it honors the team that best represents a model for other teams to emulate and best embodies the purpose and goals of FIRST. The award helps keep the central focus of the FIRST Robotics Competition on the goal of inspiring greater levels of respect and honor for science and technology.
Finalist Award: The Finalist Award celebrates the Alliance that makes it to the final match of the competition.