Our team gives all members who participate in FIRST the opportunity to apply their formal education to real-life challenges. Courses in math, physical science, and creative writing are all utilized in the major sub-groups of our team. In addition, they will acquire leadership, communication, and management skills. The team is composed of over 85 high school members. Our instructor/advisor is Mrs. Arrington, a former math teacher at Leland High School. Our team’s members come from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. The team’s members come from all levels of high school, Freshmen to Seniors.

Leadership Team 2024-2025

Name: Aneri S.

Grade: 12th

Position: President

Name: Arnav V.

Grade: 12th

Position: VP of Engineering –                       Systems

Name: Drishti K.

Grade: 12th

Position: VP of Engineering –                       Design

Name: Ewan B.

Grade: 12th

Position: VP of Engineering –                       Manufacturing

Name: Ashton A.

Grade: 12th

Position: Treasurer

Name: Ethan L.

Grade: 11th

Position: Secretary                          

Name: Max N.

Grade: 11th

Position: PR Lead

Name: Aamir L.

Grade: 10th

Position: PR Lead

Name: Maxim K.

Grade: 11th

Position: Scouting Lead

Name: Annika H.

Grade: 10th

Position: Scouting Lead

Name: Linus A.

Grade: 12th

Position: Media Lead

Name: Orion J.

Grade: 11th

Position: Media Lead

Name: Alex N.

Grade: 10th

Position: Media Lead

Name: Leonardo Y.

Grade: 11th

Position: Manufacturing Lead

Name: John H.

Grade: 11th

Position: Design Lead                     

Name: Abhishal K.

Grade: 10th

Position: Design Lead                     

Name: Aadit S.

Grade: 12th

Position: Controls Lead

Name: Abhay S.

Grade: 11th

Position: Controls, Scouting                           Software Lead

Name: Rishabh K.

Grade: 10th

Position: Scouting Software                           Lead

Personal Stories

“As a depressed, lost freshman coming into high school, Robotics gave me a reason to love coming to school. Not only did it provide me a chance to chase my dreams, it was a stepping stone for me to finally make friends. I didn’t have to eat alone at lunch, as I knew my teammates had my back! Robotics truly changed my life.”

— Aditya A.

“I didn’t even imagine I would ever become interested in machining and coding before I joined the school robotics team. By joining FIRST, I’ve met many people, even new friends across the world, politicians, and professionals. FIRST gives me the opportunity to teach other people and to participate in something extremely exciting and fun. FIRST has become part of my life that’s not replaceable anymore; I am so glad that my friend invited me when I was a sophomore.“

— Novia W.

“Robotics has helped me make the transition from being mechanically inept to mechanically adept and also cemented my love of computer programming – while giving me the most fun experience I’ve ever had!”

— Rohan R.

“Robotics has helped me hone my leadership skills and create an great learning and building experience for the team.”

— Alejandro A.

“Without the robotics program I would have never been able to advance myself in the field of engineering, and effectively apply learned academic and mechanical skills to this extraordinary program!”

— Natalie M.

“Robotics has changed the way I learn because I now see everything in my school studies in terms of applying it to a real-life project.”

— Gabriel A.

“…so many opportunities to apply everything I have learned in the classroom, as well as expand my knowledge of engineering and utilize team skills. Plus, it’s always a lot of fun!”

— Amy Q.

“Robotics changed my life… this is what I want to do for a career.”

— Jennifer L.